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Creating "Neo-Silver" comics is a release valve for yours truly. I like the old, campy, fun to read comics from the original Silver Age instead of the serious and darker concepts the big companies came up with later on, so I'm reversing the trend and making my own!

So, in my comics I'll forgo:

  • Excessive blood letting

  • Large amounts of collateral damage

  • Needless destruction of innocents and civilians

  • Stereotyping characters because of race, creed, sex, or religion

  • Creating shock material to gross out or alarm the audience

  • Empty erotic elements

  • Bad language

What I intend to do is:

  • Recreate the Silver Age comics with modern artwork

  • Use updated storylines and characters

  • Give clear morality with fewer grey areas

  • Tell stories that have a beginning, middle, and end

  • Create stories that have uplifting maxims

  • Make comics fun, adventurous and exciting again!

It's my own Babcock Quality Code!

Sign up now, and you will get comics every week from one of my current comics projects, H.E.R.O. Vs F.O.E.S. And why not? I've got an army of 12+ heroes and 12+ villains ("gulp") -- just waiting to have their stories told! Once I decided what to do, I promptly dove into creating the story and art. A friend of mine, Richard Konkle, dove into scripting the dialogue and doing the lettering on top of my finished art. This is my homage to the old-school super-hero comics we both grew up with, and it's turned out to be more fun than I thought! I am NOT skeptical about these comics. They're great fun!

I also have Dyn-A-Mic Tales, an old-school two-for-one comic with two separate heroes in two different stories, currently staring Dark Thunder in a comedy about an arrogant, macho muscle-man who keeps transforming uncontrollably into a nervous little geek and back at the worst times, and Red Web in her own story as an ancient Egyptian spider-goddess who has appeared in the present day and is hunting a demon, but all she keeps finding are regular crooks and thugs!


Here’s your chance to get the latest news and updates on my current and new projects sent right to your e-mail without paying a penny! Every week I post pages, and I want them to be seen by as many entertained people as possible.


There is one catch. Although this newsletter is free it also has advertising. Sorry!


You can quit at any time, and your e-mail won’t be shared.

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